Who can provide the licenses?

National committees of GINETEX can, on the base of an agreement concluded with the GINETEX association, grant the right to commercial companies within their territory to reproduce and use the care symbols on the base of sub-licenses. GINETEX confers the license right to use its trademarks – care symbols – exclusively through the national committees in particular countries and it does not confer these rights directly to specific users..

Our membership in GINETEX association

License agreement for granting rights to use trademarks for textile care symbols was concluded between GINETEX association and the company VÚTCH – CHEMITEX spol. s r.o., at the general meeting of GINETEX association held in Copenhagen on 29. – 30. October, 2015. At the same time the company VUTCH s.r.o. has been approved as a national committee for the Slovak Republic.

The company VÚTCH – CHEMITEX spol. s r.o. has been authorized to use the trademark for care symbols on the national level as well as to grant authorization to manufacturers, distributors and retailers of textile and clothing products to use the care symbols on the base of the signed license agreement with GINETEX association.

Get a license too

VUTCH s.r.o. will grant authorization to manufacturers, distributors and retailers to use care symbols legally on the base of sublicense agreement concluded with GINETEX association. Download the application and send it after completion to VÚTCH – CHEMITEX spol. s r.o., Rybníky 954, 011 68 Žilina, Slovak Republic. All other essentials will be provided by the licensor.

Use of textile care symbols

Obligation of a retailer to ensure clear marking of a product sold by him by care instructions arises from § 12 of the Act No. 250/2007 Coll. on consumer protection and about amendment to the Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Coll. on infringements as amended by later regulations.

Compliance with the standard STN EN ISO 3758 Textiles. Care symbols is not obligatory since 1.10.2008, it is up to each manufacturer, importer and retailer how he will fulfil this obligation. It is essential that information about textile care is sufficiently understandable and clear for the customer e.g. by its illustration. If this information is in a text form, it must be given in national language.

Slovak Trade Inspection recommends to use graphical care symbols on textile product labels as they ensure harmonized communication between individual EU countries.

Information about textile care can be permanently affixed to the product and readable throughout its life cycle or on a label attached to the product.

Care symbols are given in following order in accordance with the requirements of STN EN ISO 3758: washing, bleaching, drying, ironing, professional textile care (dry cleaning).

Retailer is fully responsible, in terms of §11 of the Act No. 250/2007 Coll., for incorrect or missing information about textile care which results in depreciation of the product.